editorial board of Catalyst Press (Joan Garfield, Bob delMas, Andrew Zieffler, and Michelle Everson) have many years of experience
publishing in the international statistics education community. Between
them, they have edited three highly prominent journals in the field
(SERJ, JSE, and TISE) have been elected to
leadership roles in several organizations influential in statistics
education (IASE, ASA, MAA, AERA, ICMI) and have overseen numerous
NSF-funded research projects. They bring this extensive experience to
ensuring the high quality of publications produced by Catalyst Press.
The initial publication of Catalyst Press is Statistical Thinking: A Simulation Approach to Modeling Uncertainty (available at
Using ideas of randomization and bootstrapping, Statistical Thinking
takes a radically different approach than most textbooks to the
introduction and methods of statistical inference. Based on the work of
the NSF-funded CATALST project,
the text makes exclusive use of simulation to carry out inferential
analyses. It also builds on best practices and materials developed in
statistics education, research and theory from cognitive science, as
well as materials and methods that are successfully achieving parallel
goals in other disciplines (e.g., mathematics and engineering