Tuesday, May 31, 2011

USCOTS 2011 Pictures

Catalysts for Change all in one spot at the same time (almost!)
From left: Joan Garfield, Laura Le, Elizabeth, Michelle Everson, Rebekah Isaak, Audbjorg Bjornsdottir, Laura Ziegler, Jiyoon Park, Matt Beckman, Bob delMas, and Andy Zieffler

Bob delMas admires a slide during his plenary talk.

All of the CAUSE Lifetime Achievement award winners.
From left: Roxy Peck, Dick Scheaffer, Joan Garfield, and George Cobb

Bob delMas explains some of the finer points of qualitative research.

Michelle Everson explains "it is twitter...not tweeter".


Adeline ponders the "next big thing".
The 4th United States Conference on Teaching Statistics was held May 19-21 in Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina. Once again, Catalysts for Change were busy throughout the conference. Here is just an overview of some of the things that we participated in:

Whew! I'm sure I missed some things, but those are the highlights. Pics to be posted soon.